Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prosthetic Eye Appointment

We are hoping that Spencer will be able to have reconstructive surgery for his eye in December. A few weeks ago, we met with a Prosthetic Eye Specialist in Lakewood. She showed Spencer what she would be able to do for him. Basically, he would have a plastic shell cover that would go over his existing eye. They would paint it to look like his other eye and it would give the illusion to others that he had two "normal" eyes. It fits in like a contact only much bigger and Spence can leave it in or take it out when it irritates him.
This was a difficult appointment to go through because it felt permanent for Spence. He was still holding out hope that some of his vision would return. It's been six months since the accident and now I think we have to move forward with accepting his lose of vision in the left eye. Please continue to keep him in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad you've all had to lose a little hope for Spencer's vision. Often, hope keeps us going and it's a painful thing to lose. I teared up this last weekend when I realized it's been 6 months already. Sometimes it seems like the accident happened a long time ago considering how far he has come, and yet, there is still fresh pain and worry. I love you all and think of you often.
